The idea behind this is simple: you individually summarise the knowledge you've gained from research into the slasher (aka slice'n'dice, aka stalk'n'slash etc) sub-genre of horror, then get together as a production group and compare notes, expressing your shared learning as an in-depth vodcast. It can be both useful and convenient to use one specific film to focus your analysis on (so long as you make a variety of links/examples to other films as you go). Strive to draw links between what you've found out and your current idea. Ideas will change, but as you continue with research take every opportunity to apply it: don't just dump down observations or quotes but clearly show you've reflected on how you might use (or even refuse!) such conventions as you discover. Endeavour to use semiotic terminology and precise media language generally (when discussing a sample scene/shot/edit or sound, provide clear denotation), and reflect on what you've learnt about film budgets and production contexts (Indie v studio) - basically, try to show off what you've learned to date! TRY HARD TO CITE/APPLY SPECIFIC THEORIES/THEORISTS AND BOOKS/ARTICLES - (BRIEF) DIRECT QUOTES WOULD BE GOOD!Research needs to be ongoing: keep watching + making/posting notes on film openings (or specific aspects of slashers, such as stalking scenes, that you plan to use) and any reading you're doing. You should already have undertaken a wide range of research, as reflected in your...
- Blogging on sample openings (everyone should have at least 10 slasher examples blogged on before we get to the 1st rough cut on 5th Feb)
- Franchise vodcast
- Idents research
- Titles in 4 films vodcast
- Editing in sample stalking and violence scenes
- Narrative + Representations in 3 slasher egs vodcast
Work on this task should help you gain marks both for the R+P and the Evaluation, especially Q1 (use of conventions/media language): its critical you keep making + updating notes on all 7 Eval Qs as we go - you'll find it dramatically decreases your workload for the Evaluation if you do this.
We did a similar task in 2011, but with much less lead-in time and a different brief - you can see those vids below.
Don't forget you have a range of guides to vodcasting, with examples including chatshow style amateur productions, linked from this post.
2011 genre vodcasts (to a different brief, with limited lesson + lead-in time)
Sam Bachelor Party Massacre vodcast
Sean Swimfan vodcast
Georgia Blair Witch Project vodcast
Dillon Black Christmas vodcast
Will Creep vodcast
Tom The Ring vodcast
Good work folks!
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